Frequently Asked Questions About Docere Clinics

No. While regenerative medicine shows promise in the rapidly growing body of scientific data, it has not been scientifically proven to be effective. Based on full-time regenerative medicine experience since 2002, we are very careful to only treat patients that we think we have a chance of helping. Namely; patients who are in overall good health who suffer from chronic pain caused by damaged or degenerated musculoskeletal tissues (such as joints, spine, or ligaments), that is not “too far gone”. We do not treat any systemic disease at all. In no circumstance do we ever treat: congenital disorders, autism, caner, spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury. We only treat pain of the spine and joints. While we have helped many people, there are people we have treated that we have not helped at all. Our experience is that overall, we help more people than we don’t help, but there is nothing about regenerative medicine that is either a “miracle” or a “cure”.

There are very few risks involved. You are certain to be sore for a few days after the procedure, but that is a side effect, not a risk. Infection is a serious risk, but is extremely rare. Regenerative medicine is a conservative approach to treating pain, unlike surgery that might help, but it might make it worse. You can always have surgery, but you can’t “un-have” it. The biggest risk of these therapies is that it won’t help your condition, however, performed properly, they will not make your condition worse.

Short answer: no. Long answer: regenerative medicine is considered an elective procedure. While some insurance companies will pay for platelet rich plasma or bone marrow aspirate concentrate when used by a surgeon in conjunction with certain orthopedic surgeries, they generally do not pay when used as an injection. For this reason, Docere Clinics has a ‘payment at the time of service’ policy. Some clinics that offer regenerative medicine on their websites will list the insurance plans they accept, but usually these clinics will only submit for the consultation and anesthetic/steroid injections.

Yes. We contract with board certified anesthesiologists and nurse anesthestists to offer our patients ‘deep sedation’. Deep sedation uses much gentler medications than general anesthesia, but you are very much asleep, you don’t feel anything, and you don’t remember anything afterward. It is the same type of sedation used for colonoscopies or dental procedures. It is our experience that we get better outcomes when people sleep through it. As such, our prices are structured so that sedation is included in the cost of treatment; you are not required to be sedated, but you are paying for it, so why not do it?

Our prices are higher than other US clinics offering regenerative. We offer a far greater value because of our comprehensive approach. Most clinics offer one type of needle guidance (ultrasound or fluoroscopy), or none at all. Docere Clinics uses either fluoroscopic needle guidance or ultrasound needle guidance for every injection (depending on which is superior for that particular injection). Most clinics use one type of tissue, whereas we use stem cells from your bone marrow and fat or massive amounts of tissues and growth factors from umbilical cords. Most notably in regard to price, all our procedures are done under IV sedation provided by a board-certified anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist. Most clinics don’t even offer sedation as an option; it’s included in our prices. So this to say, our procedures are vastly more complex and as such, more valuable.

After the procedure, you will have localized soreness and discomfort, especially after disc, hand, foot, and shoulder injections. Most patients find over-the-counter medications and rest sufficient to help with the pain. Some other clinics scrape the surface of the joint with the needle while injecting stem cells in order to cause a localized irritation. This causes a great deal of post procedure pain that can last weeks or months. We have not found this necessary to do, subsequently our treatments produce very less soreness after.

Unless you are a vampire, nothing in this life is permanent. Total joint replacement surgery is not permanent; even the latest prosthetic devices must eventually be replaced. The procedures we offer are attempting to reverse tissue damage and degenerative changes and turn back the hands of time (this statement has not been scientifically validated, it is based merely on our experience), but by no means do they stop the hands of time. Our overall experience based on close follow-up has been that one year after the procedure, a sizable portion of our patients are “happy” with their outcome and do not feel like they need another treatment at that time, a portion have had some improvement, but elect to undergo a second treatment at the one year mark, and a small portion have no improvement at all, in which case we do not recommend a second treatment. Most people require a “tune-up” procedure every two to six years.

Despite the vitriolic rants of my very zealous detractors, yes, this is legal and no, we are not at risk of being shut down. Please click here to read the letter from the State of Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing stating that after two thorough investigations triggered by complaints made to my licensing board by a high-profile competitor in Colorado who resents my success, I am indeed practicing within my scope and in a lawful manner.

In 1995 and while in naturopathic school, Dr. Adelson was cured of an injury with RIT/Prolotherapy by the since deceased and very much missed Rick Marinelli, N.D.. He decided from that experience that he would devote himself to Regenerative Pain Medicine. He underwent training in RIT/prolotherapy from the American Association of Orthopeadic Medicine, the American Academy of Musculoskeletal Medicine, the American Academy of Osteopathy, and from his mentors, Rick Marinelli, N.D. and Richard Bachrach, D.O.. During his years in Connecticut in 2000 – 2002, he volunteered after working hours in a large homeless shelter in Bridgeport offering RIT/Prolotherapy to its residents. In addition to providing Regenerative Pain Medicine to those living in pain that could otherwise not afford these services, this allowed him to perform several hundred RIT/Prolotherapy procedures before he opened the doors of Docere Clinics in 2002. Since that time he has treated thousands of patients and performed over ten thousand procedures.

There is only one reason why you should choose Docere Clinics. It is this: if after researching your options, you decide you want to be treated by us. We are not for everyone, and we will never ‘sell’ you on coming to us. In the meantime, consider this: Dr Adelson opened Docere Clinics in 2002, and since day one his practice has been 100% regenerative injection therapy procedures for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain conditions. In 2006 he began injecting PRP with ultrasound guidance. He began performing bone marrow cell procedures in February, 2010, making him one of the very early doctors providing this therapy. Since that time, his practice has been 100% stem cell procedures from bone marrow and fat for chronic pain conditions. It’s all he does; he doesn’t do anything else. He has performed over seven thousand bone marrow cell procedures with X-ray or ultrasound guidance that have produced zero serious adverse outcomes and many satisfied patients. This places him among the most experienced in the world with bone marrow cell procedures for the treatment of pain.

Harry Adelson ND is partnering with Amy Killen MD to bring you Humanaut Health!
In the spirit of democratization of technology toward the alleviation of human suffering, Humanaut will for the very first time provide the highest caliber of regenerative cell therapy at an affordable price ($2,000 -$8,000 range) to those suffering from spine and joint pain. To request a consultation and receive updates on our grand opening, please click here.

Docere Clinics offers stem cell therapy one day per month for no charge for the medically underserved. Please click here for details.

Tithing Program

Docere Clinics also offers a Tithing Program.
Please click here to learn more.

Is Regenerative Cell Therapy Right For You?

A consultation by our clinical staff is required before scheduling a procedure to determine if you are a candidate. Click below to see if we are right for you.

Are we right for you?